If your doctor or physician specialist wants to see how well your heart is working they would prescribe an EKG or Stress Test. Also known as Electrocardiogram, an EKG measures your heart’s activity. During a stress test, you are having an EKG while walking or jogging on a treadmill.
These tests may be needed if you are showing signs or symptoms of heart disease or you are a high risk for having heart disease. These tests help specialists, like Dr. Kittusamy, evaluate how your heart is functioning and can prescribe how to treat any problems.
In certain cases, it can be very important to get an EKG or Stress Test. If you have symptoms of heart disease, such as shortness of breath, heavy or irregular heartbeat, or chest pain, you should talk to your doctor about getting an EKG or Stress Test promptly. You may also need the tests if you have diabetes, a history of heart disease, or other risks. If you are at risk for heart disease, your doctor may want you to have an EKG before an exercise program or certain medical treatments.